It’s easy, fun and rewarding to be part of the Web+Center user contest!
Everyday we connect with Web+Center users from all over the world who have been using our software for multiple years and we are simply amazed at the longevity of installations and number of tickets they have logged with the system and the variety of user organizations that use the software. We certainly want to thank you and your organizations for continuing to use and tell others about the Web+Center help desk.
To show our appreciation for users, we thought it might be fun to set up a simple Web+Center user contest to identify some unique organizations that have been using Web+Center for years and reward them with a $25 Starbucks gift card. We will announce the winners of each of the Web+Center user contests in a future newsletter. It’s simple to participate! Simply email us answers to the contest questions below to the best of your ability.
HINT: We will award multiple place winners for each of the contests, so your chances of winning a Starbucks gift card are pretty high so please take the time to submit your entry! It’s our way to Thank you for being such a loyal Web+Center user.

Contest Information:
There are 6 Web+Center user contests:
(1) Most number of Web+Center tickets – Simply email us your highest Web+Center ticket number
(2) Longest running Web+Center application – We have several organizations that have used Web+Center for over 10 years with various version upgrades. Let us know when your organization started using Web+Center. Feel free to contact us and we can review your downloads in our database if that would be helpful to trace your Web+Center roots.
(3) Most number of tickets created with a free (2) tech license key.
(4) Largest number of customers in the Web+Center database – Use the Tech+Center Status/Tools button to determine the total number of customers.
(5) Most unique organization or application of Web+Center. If you feel your organization or how you use Web+Center is unique, include a 1-2 line paragraph describing your organization and how you use Web+Center for that organization.
(6) The most dedicated Web+Center user – Several Web+Center users have moved from one business or organization to another over the years and at each new business, they have chosen Web+Center as their choice of a IT trouble ticket system. If you fit this bill, simply email us the names and numbers of companies where you have implemented or use Web+Center. Maybe even send your photo!
To enter the contest:
Simply send an email to with the following information:
- Your Name
- Email Address
- Organization Name
- Mailing address so we can send you the Starbucks gift card.
- Answers to the questions mentioned above
Contest Rules:
- All entries must be emailed to Internet Software Sciences by 8/15/2013
- Contest is open for licensed and unlicensed free (2) tech users
- Winners will be mailed a $25 Starbucks Coffee Gift card
Custom Projects: If you feel your Web+Center needs some additional customizations to fill a particular business or process requirement, please contact our Internet Software Sciences Consulting group for quotes or support on customization projects.
We hope you are enjoying your summer. We are busy developing another release of Web+Center that should be available in Fall 2013. If you have any special feature requests for this release, feel free to contact us. Your input and product feedback is extremely valuable to develop our next version that meets the changing requirements of IT departments.
Happy Ticketing,
Scott Vanderlip
President, Internet Software Sciences