Hospitals and other organizations often need web-based interfaces to greatly increase their efficiency and provide on-line automated options for manual processes.
The Physician Verification System (PVS) product was launched over 8 years and is now in use for several hospitals in Texas. This product was developed by Internet Software Sciences by customizing the Web+Center Business+Center for this process. It is hosted by Internet Software Sciences but integrated with the individual hospital websites.
History: For most hospitals and health care facilities, there is a requirement that other hospitals and insurance companies need to verify a doctors status/connection with the hospital for billing and other purposes. Originally, other hospitals and insurance companies would request an official verification letter on hospital letter head that listed the doctors current status (on staff,visiting, retired with dates) and the medical services and specialty they can offer. This initially required a case by case merge of a excel spreadsheet database with the pre-formatted word document that was then printed and then faxed to the requester. Each of these routine requests could easily take 5-10 minutes. When you multiple that simple request times hundreds of medical staff members that are used daily, you end up with over 8 hours per day of a persons time just handling those requests.
To simply and automate this process, a simple website with a backend database allows insurance companies and hospitals to look up practicing doctors and create an on-line verification letter. The URL for the doctor verification is provided to hospitals and insurance companies. to get their own verification letter which they get off the web and can print or save in a file. Another secure admin interface is used to create and update doctor status information in the database. A single admin now only needs to spend about 1-2 hours per month to update the database of doctors instead a full time job handling requests for these verification letters.

Contact ISS for complete cost and implementation details for your hospital organization. We can often get this PVS setup for your organization within a few days once we give you the requirements to do the initial doctor import.