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Newsletter 90 Web+Center WordPress Integration.

This newsletter focuses on how to frame the Customer+Center portion of our product in a WordPress environment. Please review the article listed below for complete details.

Web+Center requires Active Server Pages (ASP) and installation on a Microsoft web server.  Since WordPress is generally not installed in this environment, you can still frame Customer+Center on a WordPress site but it must be ’embedded’ in iframes.

The various steps and functions to do this are outlined below.

Step 1: Download the modified Customer+Center files

From our version server, download the new version 7.5 files into the following directories:

  • Language: Code customizations (one line added at end)
  • Customer Center: default.asp,,, DoCaseForm.asp, topten.asp, dcf.asp, customeroptions.asp, docustomeroptions
  • Tech Center : DoTCaseForm.asp

Step 2: Edit the file

Edit the CodeCustomizations file, part of which appears below, entering the name of your WordPress website. If this step isn’t performed, the emails which go to customers will continue to be directed to your non-WordPress web-site. Remove the apostrophe in front of the WordPressSite line if there is one (if the apostrophe remains, this line is considered ‘commented out’ and will not send the emails to the correct site).

'***************** WORDPRESS
 'If you wish to use WordPress to frame your customer center, change the following line;
 'leave it blank if you do not wish to frame your customer center in WordPress
  ==> EDIT THIS LINE:  WordPressSite = ""

Step 3: Copy the Template Files to WordPress

Copy the following files into your WordPress directory. Make sure these go into the correct directory. They should go in the directory under wp-content-> themes -> whatever theme you are using. You might have to download a file exchange program such as FileZilla to accomplish this. If the templates are copied into the wrong directory, they will not appear in the dropdown list of templates when you create a WordPress page.

  • ShowCase.php.
  • Full width.php

Step 4: Create the Customer+Center page.

In WordPress, create a page that contains the code below in the HTML tab. You’ll need to edit the ‘src=’ part so that it points to YOUR to your Customer+Center website (the one containing the web-server). You may need to resize the iframe (height and/or width) to fit your page structure. Select the ‘full width’ template that you copied in a previous step for this page.

<iframe src=”” scrolling=”auto” align=”center” width=”900″ height=”800″ onload=”window.parent.window.scrollTo(0,0)” frameborder=”0″></iframe>

Step 5: Create the Page for Displaying a Case
In WordPress, create a blank page called ‘DCF’. Use ‘ShowCase’ as the template for this page. This is the page that will display the case when a customer uses the ‘Login’ link on an email that gets sent after a case is created or updated.


It is possible to use other pages from Customer+Center in your WordPress site. For example, if you wish to display a ‘FAQs’ page just use a page like the one you created for Customer+Center (with an iframe) and use the following for ‘src’ (replacing the with your domain name):

The ‘WP=YES’ (all capitals) in the URL indicates to Customer+Center that this is a WordPress-framed page so it doesn’t put up the normal headers and footers. It is stored in a cookie.