There are Web+Center users in almost every market sector within IT organizations from higher education to hospitality and in every corner of the earth from Zimbabwe to New York City. To help share, connect and build a Web+Center User community, we are creating the first, annual Web+Center User YouTube Video Contest. All users who submit entries that meet the minimum requirements listed below will be sent a $25 Starbucks gift card. The user who submits the best entry will received a 16GB iPad2 wi-fi (Valued about $400).

All entries meeting the minimum
requirements below will receive
a $25 Gift Card |

The best YouTube Web+Center Video submission will receive
a 16GB iPad2 Wi-Fi (Value $400) |
We are asking any Web+Center user (Licensed or free version user) to create a short 2-4 minute video and upload it to YouTube. To be entered into the contest for the Web+Center User YouTube Video Contest, the following rules apply:
Contest Rules and Information
- Users must create a 2-4 minute video that is viewable on YouTube.
- The video presentation should include basic information about yourself and your organization or company. Please include in your video your location, how long you’ve been using Web+Center, how you use Web+Center, why it works well for your organization and what you like best about Web+Center. In addition, let us know if you have customized it for your unique organizational needs.
- Feel free to include some creative video footage of your operations, buildings, environment, and your co-workers in a fun, funny and informative format. We are definitely interested to see your work environment both inside and out showing your one room school house in Maine or the 23rd floor in New York City.
- By providing us the video link, you grant permission for Internet Software Sciences to use the video for promotional purposes without expecting any compensation. In addition, all of the people and footage in the video must be approved by your organization for public viewing.
- All entries must be submitted via email and must contain the YouTube link and any other information and sent to by November 1, 2012.
- Only videos that meet these requirements will be eligible for the $25 gift card and for the chance to win the iPad2.
- Only 1 entry per organization unless approved by Internet Software Sciences.
- Please contact Internet Software Sciences if you have any additional questions about the Contest.