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CMETS Physician Search page

Internet Software Sciences –  CMETS (Continuing Medical Education Transcript Service) –

This simple interface allows doctors to list and print out their continuing medical education courses for compliance with hospitals requirements for continuing medical education.   For this application, an internal program was used to store continuing education class credits for doctors, but the doctors had no easy way to create frequent reports of their classes and credits for submissions to other organizations.     Our hosted CMETS system  allows an quick upload by administrators from the “cactus” system into our external application for doctors to view, summarize, total hours and print their CME credits.

The CMETS system is designed to be customized for each client’s requirements individually and hosted by ISS for your own customized unique instance of the software.    The current version has an administrator backend where administrator can upload a spreadsheet data file of classes, credits linked with doctors or manually enter class credit information.  The physician report displays and totals all of the hours and even specialized credit units as required by your program.  This report is available externally on the Internet for physicians to create reports without requiring hospital staff to build individual reports for each physician CME courses.


Contact ISS for more information on how to get your organization up and running with the CMETS system.