Keep your customers informed and organized with Web+Center’s new Account Manager feature. Differentiate your products and services from your competitors by providing your customers with Web+Center – Customer Account Manager. Show your customers their support cases, invoices, customer account information, and asset assignments on a single screen.
Web+Center’s – Customer Account Manager
Account Management – Old School
Is your customer account information still stored in difficult to access processes or spanned across various systems?
Web+Center and its suite of Help Desk, customer self-service, asset management, contact management, and account management can help put your business processes and data on-line. Are customers available to view their current account information on-line? Can your staff access customer account information instantly anywhere?
In today’s connected world, customers want to be informed about their account status for the product or services your provide for them. With Web+Center wealth of integrated applications and functions from support ticketing, invoicing, asset tracking, customer account management, and contact management, you can keep them informed on all fronts with one stop with Web+Center.
What’s New!
Available in Version 8.0 is a new feature in the Customer+Center for customers to view an Account Manager summary information page that displays their customer account fields, invoices, assets and support tickets. Web+Center configurators can configure which customer information fields, assigned assets, support tickets, or invoices and which invoices, quotes, etc are displayed on the customer account screen. You might have certain optional customer information fields for internal purposes but other customer information fields would be helpful for the customer to have that account information. (See Figure #1)
Figure #1 – Account Manager in the Customer+Center.
The Account Manager is configured through a new Account Manager configuration page. Here you specify whether to enable the Account Manager and options to show various types of account information to the customer including assets, support cases, invoices and Customer Optional information fields. The account manager and the various customer information fields are all designed to be configured from the web interface and no programming experience is required to configure your Account Manager. (See Figure 2)
Figure #2 – Account Manager Configuration Utility
Example Scenario #1 – IT Support Company:
Pretend you offer a variety of IT support services for various clients. Customers have accounts setup with your company and you track their support issues, their assets that you are tracking for them, some special customer access codes and license information. For clients you may have current on-going monthly charges, some outstanding quotes for projects and invoices for other purchased equipment.
With the Account Manager, customers can log into their Customer+Center account and select the Account Manager option to view a single page summary of all of their account information.
Example Scenario #2 – Software/Hardware Vendor:
Pretend that you develop and sell a business class piece of software or hardware product. Each sale is carefully licensed and tracked with license information, expiration dates and support services levels. You provide support, replacements,service and track your product with the Web+Center asset tracking component where you record installation and configuration information and field service visits. The account manager provides an excellent tool for customers to log into their account and get full and current account information about their product and services. Customers can even do this without contacting the company since this information is always available.
Integration with Email Newsletters
The “Email Options” within the Business+Center can send out personalized emails to selected customer user groups. As part of that personalized email for your clients, you can include a personalized link that varies for each email that takes them to the Account Manager for their own account.
Web+Center offers much more than a simple Help Desk ticketing system. It provides the set of tools to offer high quality support and services for your clients with minimal costs and configuration. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on how Web+Center can be configure to help automate your businesses and organizations.